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Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of... Art Exhibits?

By Justin Sondak in Arts & Entertainment on Mar 2, 2006 10:25PM

Taking its name from an Irving Berlin song, "The Happiness I Seek" is a tour of five sculpture exhibits opening this weekend, a collaboration of artists who just want to make you smile. To translate the very art school-y press release: sculptors felt like bottom feeders once performance artists started hogging the spotlight. So we started making our work mobile and threw in weird fun stuff like balloons and pipe cleaners. The sculptures we’re showing feature so many different crazy, funky objects, melded together like lovers in an old-timey song... or like the warm fuzzy feeling artists get when they collaborate.

baskets.jpgTo reinforce that each exhibition is a piece of the whole, Three Walls is distributing the exhibit brochure cover tonight during the Andrea Cohen exhibit, with the remaining pages available at Friday and Saturday’s events. Tommorrow night marks the debut of Loul Samater’s emotional artifacts at Fraction Workspace; Mike Andrews’ yarn creatures (pictured, right) at Gallery 40000; and Ryan Swanson at the Cultural Center. Saturday, Oak Park’s Suburban Gallery presents Clinton King.

Click here for times and venue locations.

Image via Gallery 40000.