Meeks Considers Gubernatorial Run
By Amy Hart in News on Mar 3, 2006 5:35PM
In our February review on local politics we casually mentioned that the Legislative Black Caucus, led by State Senator James Meeks, was considering backing a third-party candidate if Governor Blagojevich couldn’t find a better way to fund schools in light of his pledge to not increase sales and income taxes.
We thought it was an empty threat to try to get Blago to reconsider his positions and remind him not to take the black vote for granted, but it turns out that Meeks himself is looking into running for governor. Apparently Meeks has contacted an election law expert regarding how to go about getting onto the November ballot as a third-party candidate due to his frustration with Blago and the Democratic Party for not responding to minority concerns.
We can understand Meeks’ frustration and definitely think he has a right to collect signatures and try to get on the ballot, but it seems to us that his doing so would be a dream come true for the eventual Republican nominee.