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CTA Bus Drivers and Mechanics Vote to Strike

By Rachelle Bowden in News on Mar 7, 2006 2:56PM

2006_03_cta_bus.jpgThe morning, the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 241 overwhelmingly voted to authorize a strike ... overwhelmingly, as in 1,029 to 11. No contest for those 11 people who didn't want it! The union represents about 6,000 CTA bus drivers and mechanics.

The vote gives the union president Darrell Jefferson the authority to call a strike. Jefferson is scheduled to meet with CTA officials on Friday.

The dispute the union is having with the CTA is over bus operator scheduling, injured workers returning to duty, and the way maintenance workers are assigned to jobs. Jefferson says the CTA has refused to negotiate with them, therefore they must strike.

2001 was the last time the union voted to strike, but it didn't happen. The last time they actually did strike was for 4 days in 1979. Let's hope it doesn't come down to that this time!

Image via smussyolay