Maybe There's a Good Reason It's Hard Out There For a Pimp
By Alicia Dorr in News on Jul 26, 2006 12:00PM
Now and then there is something that we realize is not “a laughing matter.” One of them, for example, could be underage prostitutes. It’s not funny that a Chicago-area man was arrested in Ohio for trafficking prostitutes—ranging from legal to not legal—in Hollywood, Honolulu and other big cities.
It is sort of a little bit “can’t-help-but-laugh” funny, however, that the federal investigation into the pimp’s behavior was called, “Innocence Lost.” But only because it sounds like a B-movie an aging child actor would land a part in (think: Alyssa Milano, Neil Patrick Harris, etc.)
The 35ish-year-old man, Jody Spears, sounds like he deserved the huge, named investigation, though. He and others from Michigan, Chicago and Hawaii have been accused of sending women all over the country to “work the streets”, as one woman put it. Witnesses alleged that Spears made them walk certain routes considered the best for picking up prostitutes—you know, and all the other infamous things that pimps do. Another Chicago man is linked with the investigation; a Marina City resident and dentist was apparently paid for buying and maintaining luxury condos to be used for prostitution, as well as buying really nice cars to entertain Johns, to which he has pleaded not guilty.
As not funny as we know this is, we still think it’s totally absurd that Spears had the, ahem, “neoyve”, to actually say, “So what? Some of my best girls were minors,” when faced with the under-age charge. What is it they say that inmates do to guys who go after little girls when they get to prison? Eee. Either way, this dude is going for life if he is convicted. Sounds about right.
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