Quit Yer Yappin' (at the Bank)
By Alicia Dorr in News on Aug 4, 2006 6:42PM
We’re of the mind that people are effing obnoxious with their cell phone use. Yeah. There, we
align="right" height="145" hspace="5" width="250"> said it. We think it’s silly that there are people who consider themselves so busy and important that they can’t pull their ear off the phone for the duration of a bus ride, check-out lane, elevator lift, etc. Is it really that urgent, people?
All of this is why we were pretty pleased to read that Chicago-based First National Bank has ix-nayed the ellphone-says in their banks. For the bank, it’s a matter of security—you know, someone could be casually casing the joint while waiting in line. For us, it’s one small step in the right direction—away from the excessive cell phone use that characterizes society these days.
If you don’t agree that cell phone usage is totally out of control, then we can’t wait to see you smile serenely when the tweenie next to you gabs with her friend while you’re trying to relax on a subway ride home. “What? I can’t hear you! What? Hang on; we’re almost to the next stop. I’ll just yell really loud until then!” Oh yes, then you’ll see.