Extra, Extra
By Rachelle Bowden in News on Aug 17, 2006 11:58PM

- Do we really need to have "footies" at O'Hare to protect our feet while our shoes are off for the 3 minutes it takes to walk through the metal detector?
- A little girl from Arlington Heights got off the Spaceley Sprocket Roller Coaster at Six Flags and then collapsed and died. She had a heart condition.
- Bush pardoned 17 inmates. One of them was a man from Illinois.
- Scrappy the dolphin was trapped in Florida's Sarasota Bay so a team from Brookfield Zoo, who works there year round, rescued him. It ended up he was bound up in men's Speedos.
Fishing Derby 02 via phule, who notes: Impromptu fishing derby along the Chicago River during lunch. Lasted 30 minutes and 1 fish was caught before security from Boeing threw everyone out.