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Oh, Thank Heaven We Get Six More Minutes to Find Our Seat?

By Benjy Lipsman in News on Oct 11, 2006 4:45PM

Ok, this is getting out of hand! Companies have been adding their name to any and everything associated with sports for more than a decade now. And just when you think there’s nothing left to name other than the players themselves, yet another “naming right” is sold!

2006_10_sports_comiskey_711.jpgFor a measly $500,000 –- that won’t even buy you a backup utility infielder these days -– the Sox have sold the weeknight game starting time to 7-Eleven. Yup, from now on, there will be no 7:05 starts. No 7:35 starts. All 51 or so weekday night games will begin at 7:11 p.m.

7-Eleven looked at the sponsorship deal as a way to enhance their name in Chicago. With 185 locations in the area already, they will soon be adding the 202-location White Hen chain into the fold and presumably renaming those, too. While that makes sense, couldn’t they instead have struck some deal so that all tickets would sell for $7.11?

Now, let’s just hope that the Chicago Bears presented by Bank One Chase don’t open talks with TGI Friday’s!

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