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Wait, He's Not a Saint After All?

By Kevin Robinson in News on Nov 2, 2006 4:50PM

Chicagoist has commented on the speculation that Obama might run for President in 2008 before. We don't think it's a good idea, but it is fun to speculate. What's not fun is when all the dirt starts to fly. Harper's has a pithy little piece by Ken Silverstein this month. (No internet version [we looked really hard!] so you have to get it the old-fashioned way like we did!) For his part, the Glamor Machine has tried to get out front with an early point by point rebuttal. And the Harper's piece isn't that bad.

saintbarack.jpgYesterday the Tribune came out with a story about how disgraced businessman and former political mover and shaker Tony Rezko owns a vacant lot right next door to Barack. In Obama's defense, there really is nothing shady about that. But it certainly looks suspect.

And watch the closing days of the Cook County Board Presdient race as Barack Obama sends out a letter urging voters to come out for Todd Stroger. You may remember that before he was the political second coming, he had to call in his share of political favors. Now it's payback time.

And he hasn't even announced he's actually going to run. Sorry, Barack, it just gets harder.