Rumors Abound
By Kevin Robinson in News on Nov 9, 2006 1:30PM
Chicagoist got a late night phone call from one of our anonymous sources. They tell us that Jesse Jackson Jr. will announce later today that he is not, in fact, running for mayor of Chicago.
While Congressional Democrats were basking in the glow of an election-day victory, Jackson was sizing up his odds against an organized, well-funded machine that can still produce the votes. Luis Gutierrez is also expected to make a similar announcement today. While this is disappointing to Chicagoist (we were eyeing Gutierrez in particular), it isn't suprising, considering the wave that the Democratic Party has ridden to a majority in Congress. Jackson will be the only Illinois representitive on the powerful appropriations committee, and Gutierrez is in line to chair a powerful subcommittee on financial services and will also be an adviser to Speaker Pelosi on immigration issues, an issue close to his heart. Both Jackson and Gutierrez will also be avoiding a divisive and costly, both financially and politically, race, against a mayor that is deeply dug in. And considering how Daley and his organization were able to effectively carry the Toddler, both Congressmen have to be thinking twice about how hard they can push their own organizations in the months leading up to the primary.
We had hoped we would get a chance to vote for true reform in the city primary, especially with a real powerhouse for change like Luis. Instead we'll be writing about the sinking boat that is Bill "Dock" Walls, and the pawn that is Dorothy Brown.