Extra, Extra
By Rachelle Bowden in News on Jan 20, 2007 2:02AM

- Lots of CTA happenings: Five people were fired over the Blue Line derailment. Tomorrow is the deadline to submit your artwork for the Red and Brown Line expansions. CTA Tattler has some ideas on how to speed things up and is urging you to tell Carole Brown what you think.
- The Lyric Opera announced their new schedule.
- The number of people who died on IL roads last year was the fewest in 80 years.
- Cheetah Gym is opening in Logan Square.
- Gas for less than $2/gallon? The hell, you say!
- Just what we've been waiting for: Drive-thru cigarette sales.
- This is the longest we've had temps under 32 degrees in 13 months.
"Sunrise-Sears" via bweb04.