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Stop Funding the Spanish-American War!

By Alicia Dorr in News on Feb 1, 2007 8:00PM

baby_on_phone_small.jpgWhile we know that you, like us, will most likely not be filing until April 15 at 11:30 p.m., claiming your dog's a veteran, your responses on blogs can be a write-off and your significant other is actually 12 unemployed people. We just want to make sure that when you do, you look into the phone tax refund that the IRS has quietly forgotten to mention to one third of the people who are eligible for it.

It doesn't apply to a lot of people, but it certainly does to some: the IRS is giving refunds on the tax that it imposed on long distance calls, whether they be on a landline, cell phone, or, you know, what-have-you. The IRS scaled back the tax which was apparently first introduced to fund the Spanish-American War. No, we're not joking about that.

It may not seem like much, but $30-60 is better than nothing. You don't even have to send documentation — you just have to be able to prove it if you're ever audited or whatever. Which you may be. Rascal.

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