Extra, Extra
By Rachelle Bowden in News on Feb 8, 2007 3:33AM

- Disgusted by conditions he found a few years ago at a facility that boards dogs, License Committee Chairman Eugene Schulter (47th) is advancing a crackdown on grooming, boarding, doggie day care and guard dog facilities. He would like them all to be licensed and subject to strict operating standards.
- For only $6 you can have your very own brainy and beautiful University of Illinois "Girls of Engineering" pinup calendar.
- Hey Motorola, KISS!
- 173 Jewel stores will be adding kiosks for renting movies. Also, Walmart is doing movie downloads now. Thanks, but we'll stick with NetFlix.
- Blago has pronounced this week to be Chicago Bears Week.
- Get well soon, R. Kelly. He was hospitalized with appendicitis.
- Robert Benard, Chicago technology pioneer and founder of marchFIRST, died of a heart attack on Friday. He was only 45 years old.
- Chicago-born Frankie Lain, one of the most successful American singers of the twentieth century, passed away on Tuesday. Luckily he lead a long, full life. He was 93 when he died.
- Don't forget! Ctrl-Alt-Rock is tomorrow!
"MCA Entryway" via eqx1979.