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Reading Is Fundamental, People!

By Jocelyn Geboy in Arts & Entertainment on Feb 13, 2007 3:07PM

This is a really simple, informational post. There is a website called, where you can trade books, DVDs and video games with people. You open up a free account, you list your stuff, and you trade for other people's stuff. We checked it out, and you have to pay for the shipping and handling (via USPS), but other than that, you can change out your collection nearly for free.

The people at are having their second "Live Swap" at Mercury Cafe on Saturday, February 17, from 12-5 p.m.. You can skip the S&H and get the job done in person. You bring your stuff down to the Mercury and you get tickets to trade for other items. Hardcovers will get more tickets than a paperback, but the tickets can be used to get any item there. As they state: "David Sedaris for David Lynch, perhaps?"

2007_02books.jpgSince we last mentioned the Swap Simple crew, they made Time's List of Coolest Sites of 2006.

We always loved R.I.F. week, so maybe this is a way to hearken back to the days of yore — it was only big tables of books when we were in grade school. And it was probably better that way; picking up a Laura Ingalls Wilder helped us out much more than the ability to pick up a copy of Grand Theft Auto, which would have scarred us for life.

"The Library" by The Department.