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Sparkling Beverage Makers Wooing Blago, Rebranding

By Laura Oppenheimer in Food on Feb 28, 2007 7:00PM

We are expecting a highly caffeinated fight in Springfield over the next few months, as Pepsi and Coke battle it out to become the sole beverage supplier to vending machines on state property. Both companies will submit a proposal, and the state will choose whichever can offer the most kickbacks for Blago and crew. Just kidding! Though it would be pretty awesome if they actually said that. 2007_2_cola.jpgInstead, Illinois Revenue Department spokesman Mike Klemens said (for reals) that the supplier will be chosen based on "how much money its offer will generate for the state."

Speaking of Coke and Pepsi, don't even think of calling them soft drinks or pop. Our favorite fizzy friends would now like to be called "sparkling beverages." Apparently pop just didn't have the sophisticated ring to it that cola makers were looking for. We don't want to start a whole debate about pop versus soda; we just think it's pretty funny that cola is now a "sparkling beverage." It just makes us think about champagne or prosecco or one of those other lovely alcoholic options.

In other beverage news, both Coke and Pepsi are coming out with new offerings. Coke will launch "a new version of Diet Coke with vitamins and minerals in the US this year, the group's first attempt to add nutritional value to its cola." Yum, nutritious cola! What are they going to think of next? Candy-flavored cigarettes? Oh wait, never mind. Pepsi will be releasing Tava, an adult soft drink with zero calories and no caffeine. It will also be launching Diet Pepsi Max, which is like regular Diet Pepsi, but pumped up with extra caffeine and ginseng.

Image via Grow-a-Brain.