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Like Father, Like Son

By Matt Wood in News on Mar 3, 2007 2:08PM

chicagoist_200703_robber.gifIn what may be the most ironic news story of the week, Daniel N. Katalinic, the son of booted city official, Daniel M. Katalinic, was sentenced Thursday for robbing a Mt. Prospect bank last year.
The elder Katalinic, a former deputy commissioner of streets and sanitation and now a convicted felon, was a player in the Hired Truck scandal and is set to serve a year in federal prison for taking bribes. He could have gone to prison for up to 20 years for mail fraud but caught a "lucky" break: he became a key federal witness.
The younger Katalinic, 32, along with Charles Maltz, 26, shotgun in hand and teller held hostage, made out with over $9000 from Parkway Bank (1590 S. Elmhurst Road) landing him in prison for 10 years and 1 month. The two were caught after Maltz crashed his Ford Mustang shortly after the heist.
Looks like that apple fell right next to the tree.

Thanks Amanda!