Tonight, Tonight, Tonight
By Jocelyn Geboy in Miscellaneous on Mar 12, 2007 7:32PM
Sorry, we started thinking about the Genesis tour.... But in all seriousness, the first of the public CTA community meetings regarding the three-track freakout is tonight. It's from 6 to 8 p.m., at Lane Tech High School auditorium, 2501 W. Addison.
If you want more information on what sorts of things might be discussed, you can go here and print out the
propaganda information the CTA has prepared on the subject. The work will begin Apr. 2, and we can't get our minds around it yet. The information does mention riding your bike to work, so maybe we will get down to our dream weight that we've been putting out to the universe.
We spoke with someone from the CTA, and he said that people will be allowed to speak tonight, but he wasn't sure how that would exactly go down. Last time we were at a meeting where people were allowed to address the board, it was a little chaotic and weird. So, you might want to get there right at 6 or a little before if you want to get some speaking time. Yee-haw!
"short gap filler" by smussyolay.