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Cheese of the Month Club: May Edition

By Caroline Clough in Food on May 4, 2007 4:04PM


Well, it's been a little while since our last cheese of the month, and for that we apologize. When we went to The Cheese Stands Alone to get ourselves a cheese for the month we had a few ideas. Since the last two cheeses had been semi-soft, we thought we'd go with some ooey, gooey mess of a cheese. We also started thinking about a cheese we'd had years and years ago, somewhere else entirely, and considered asking after it. But we were frightened. When we went to Fox & Obel and asked about this cheese the cheese guy looked at us with immense doubt. You see, we remembered this cheese as super creamy with mushrooms and the cheese guy looked at us like we were out of our minds. As it turns out, that's not the true nature of this particular cheese and the guy had every right to look at us with skepticism. It also turns out that The Cheese Stands Alone had the cheese in question, and we didn't even have to ask about it. It was as if the cheese was calling out to us, making us forget to put a quarter in the parking meter and our aforementioned plan for gooey cheese. Right. So. The cheese of the month of May is Caciotta รก Tartufo! It's a semi-soft sheep's milk cheese infused with ... wait for it ... truffles! And damn is it tasty. Just smelling it through its plastic wrapping gave us shivers. And trying it again did not disappoint. We imagine eating it on a blanket looking out at Lake Michigan or in our dimly lit living room with cured meat and a nice glass of wine. Frankly, we can imagine eating this cheese any place, any time and always being happy about it. We dare you to disagree. Actually, no, we don't. We just hope you enjoy it and if you don't, well, we're sorry.