Extra, Extra
By Jocelyn Geboy in News on Jun 6, 2007 4:49AM

- Peraica put Stroger "on notice".
- Daley will appoint a commission to study gun laws and makers -- he says we'll debate Iraq forever, but no one wants to talk about this issue.
- A consumer revolt by Midwestern baby boomers is bringing Brownberry's Natural Wheat bread -- original recipe -- back to store shelves June 11. Parent Arnold Foods Co. introduced an airier, sweeter version in April. Big mistake.
- Tribune Co. said Monday that the three Chandler family representatives whose public rebellion against the media conglomerate led to its sale this year have resigned as board members.
- Chicago's housing commissioner is resigning after eight years on the job.
- Carson's is already suffering from broken window syndrome -- a broken window pane on the former Carson Pirie Scott building in the Loop closed roads and detoured CTA buses yesterday.
"Hours" by Insomnia Jones, J.D.