Extra, Extra
By Jocelyn Geboy in News on Jun 14, 2007 4:45AM

- He had to promise them one of his lovely TIFs, but Daley did manage to convince mapmakers Navteq to stay in Chicago rather than relocating back to the Silicon Valley in California.
- It's the City of Chicago vs. Harry's Hot Dogs and the Showmen's League of America and a Giordano's restaurant. And throw in a travel agency too. City Hall wants the buildings at 300-308 W. Randolph torn down to make a small park that would enhance a 46-story office building the John Buck Co. will put up next door. Tuesday, the city's Community Development Commission gave the Daley administration authority to acquire the properties by force.
- it's one way to "work it out": The Chicago Athletic Association filed for federal bankruptcy reorganization Tuesday in an attempt to clear the way for sale of its historic headquarters.
- If it's not one thing, it's another -- Joe Crede's back surgery is likely to take him out for the season. He is out a minimum of three months, but there is no end time for his recovery. He had a successful microdiscectomy performed to remove herniated disc material that presses on a nerve root or the spinal cord.
- The bones found Tuesday by friends of Lisa Stebic in a Kendall County park, were those of a deer. They were led there on the advice of a psychic, and will continue their search there.
- Harold Bocock said he had no idea he had been caught up in an eviction dispute until a neighbor happened to pass his Elmwood Avenue apartment -- he's blind and couldn't see the notice on the door that was put there. Niiiiice. (He hadn't done anything wrong; his landlord was dealing with the city on a matter.)
- The 24th Chicago Public School student to die this year via gunfire, the death of Roberto Duran sparked an anti-violence protest with children marching down the street carrying wooden coffins.
- Priorities, priorities. Chicago's lakefront harbor system would grow by more than 50 percent under a plan being floated by the Chicago Park District. Total cost? $146 million.
"thru the fence #2" by abmarfia