Extra, Extra
By Rachelle Bowden in News on Sep 21, 2007 11:45PM

It's going to be gorgeous this weekend but might rain tonight, so grab your umbrella before heading out. Just in case.
The The Consumer Product Safety Commission recalled 1 million cribs today after a Trib investigation linked the cribs to the deaths of three children.
Congressman Jerry Weller (R-Morris) won't be running for an eighth term because he wants to spend more time with his family. Not because he's been named one of the most corrupt members of Congress, or that he was subpoenaed to testify in a bribery trial, or that he's in a world of shit over undisclosed land purchases in Nicaragua.
The Archdiocese of Chicago will pay $1.65 million to a 15-year-old who was molested by a priest.
The Chicago Symphony Orchestra's musicians and management reached a contract agreement.
The Cubs won today.
Michael Sneed wants you to know it's Dave Coulier's birthday, but she's toooootally over Bill Rancic now. Holy crap, Uncle Joey is 48.
This photo means no matter how long your week was, everything's going to be a-ok.
"Taking the Boy For A Stroll" by swanksalot