Moms Have Had It Up to Here with Daley
By Alicia Dorr in News on Sep 21, 2007 7:40PM
Daley’s reign over the city may seem impenetrable, but there’s one thing even he should keep in mind: Don’t mess with moms.
There was a lot of commotion when Daley accused Grant Park neighbors of being racist because they didn't want the Children's Museum in the park. Despite their apparent lack of political muscle, the New East Side mommies seem ready to kick Daley's ass more than anyone. Using words like "tuchus" and explaining that the "little sleeping cop parked outside [Daley's] window" was the reason they moved to the NES from Daley's block, residents are taking the Mayor to task.
The women aren’t lying when they say the area between the river and Randolph from Michigan to Lake Shore is fairly diverse: 65 percent white, 14 percent Asian, 11 percent black and 8 percent Hispanic. So why did Daley say it was because they were racist? In the words of one mommy: “He has no clue” about their neighborhood.
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