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Wining and Dini--Just More Wining

By Laura Oppenheimer in Food on Sep 21, 2007 1:21PM

Fear not, wine guzzlers. The summer festival season may be over, but there are still (legal) opportunities to drink wine outside while the weather's still nice. 2007_9_Winefest.JPGWe speak of the Winefest Chicago, happening this weekend in Northcenter.

A "starter kit" for the event is $25 and includes a tasting glass and initial tasting tickets; for the lushes out there (you know who you are), you can buy additional tasting tickets if needed. Winefest isn't all about drinking though; it is also about learning ... about drinking, that is. We're interested in checking out "Champagne 101," led by Jason Horek from Mumm & Perrier Jouet tonight at 6:15 p.m. Side note: Horek's official title is "Champagne Ambassador," a title that we're working on earning, starting now. Jean Iverson, author of BYOB Chicago will be giving multiple presentations throughout the weekend.

Winefest begins tonight at 5 p.m. and is located at 3840 N. Lincoln.