Science and Technology — It's Fun, You'll See!
By Margaret Lyons in Arts & Entertainment on Oct 3, 2007 6:35PM
A jury of science professionals unveiled their picks for the top ten most important scientific achievements in Chicago history. The list, from most to least important:
Congratulations, Maroons; most of these are affiliated with the University of Chicago (numbers 1, 3, 5, 8, 9 and 10).
This is all part of Chicago Science in the City 2007, a citywide program that encourages all of us to explore and to delight in the beauty of science. The City's hosting a shitton of events of the next few weeks, including a lecture tonight at Uncommon Ground about viruses that cause cancer, a Lego engineering class on Saturday (sadly, for 4th and 5th graders; we are all about a grown-up one next year, CSitC), a robotics workshop for teens and adults, and a bunch more cool stuff. Lots of it is geared to the kiddies, but plenty of it — like a science of gender lecture or discussion about the science of dance — are definitely for an adult crowd.