Working for the Weekend
By Margaret Lyons in Arts & Entertainment on Nov 2, 2007 9:24PM

That last hour on Fridays always seems to take forever. At least there's plenty of cool stuff cooking this weekend:
Don't forget: Daylight Savings Time ends Sunday. Get ready to fall back.
Blade Runner: The Final Cut is playing at the Music Box. Local critics have been shitting their pants over how great it is.
The SOFA Expo is in town. That's the Exposition of Sculpture Objects & Functional Art, and it's tickle your design fetish nine ways. Tickets are $15 for one day or $25 for 3, and it runs through Sunday at Navy Pier.
It's the championship bout for the Windy City Rollers when the Double Crossers take on the Hells Bells. There is no way to have a bad time at roller derby. Sunday, doors at 5, bout at 6, 1909 S. Laramie.
"Citizen journalism" project A Year at the Wheel kicks off its year-long trek around the country with a benefit show for the West Memphis 3 at the Empty Bottle on Sunday.
Blade Runner still from Warner Bros