The End is Nigh for Chromium
By Chuck Sudo in Arts & Entertainment on Nov 12, 2007 9:22PM

For over three years, artist Kathy Kozan has been keeping tabs on the unruly and often violent last call atmosphere at Chromium nightclub on her website Her mission to detail the constant fights, shootings, and other misbehavior spilling out onto the street below her residence has attracted the likes of Channel 7's Chuck Goudie and, this week, Inside Edition.
Kozan's persistence apparently paid off. On October 29th the city revoked all of Chromium's business licenses, yet inexplicably is allowing the club to remain open through December 3rd so that it can "fulfill promotional and entertainment contracts".
Naturally this doesn't sit well with Kozan, who'd love to see Chromium shut down immediately. In an editorial on her site she wrote, "(i)magine if thiefs (sic), murders and rapists admitted guilt in court, then were allowed their freedom for 35 days because they 'had some pending plans they wanted to honor'." But she's apparently taken solace in knowing that Chromium will shut down for certain after December 3rd, and even set up a countdown clock ticking off the seconds until she can get a full night's sleep. At least until the next nightclub opens up across the street from her.
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