Grub for the 24-Hour Party People
By Chuck Sudo in Food on Nov 15, 2007 10:52PM

The Reader's Guide to Late Night Dining is now online, and there's the expected eclectic mix of diners, hot dog stands, taco joints, upscale pub grub, and places where only the fearless dare enter. Even better is that the range of offerings encompasses a wide stretch of the city and connecting suburbs (big love for Gene & Jude's Red Hots in River Grove!).
If you're at the stage in life where "I'll sleep when I'm dead" is your modus operandi, this is the list you want to carry around with you when you're feeling peckish at 3 a.m. and the train you're on pulls into Chinatown like a final reprieve. We lived by that motto once, and were shocked to find that we've eaten at a solid eighty-six percent of the restaurants on this list, well after the dinner crowds died down.
What's your favorite place to grab a last bite to eat before stumbling home?
Image via Jim's Original website.