Check, Please! Embraces the Web, Nerdfury to Reach Ciritcal Mass
By Chuck Sudo in Arts & Entertainment on Nov 19, 2007 11:11PM

Check, Please! just launched an interactive video-based website today where visitors may send in restaurant recommendations and audition for the show. The site also contains over 300 reviews from the show's run, the one-minute segments that began running on NBC 5 on Tuesdays and Fridays (NBC 5 is a partner in the site). Now you can look up recent reviews in case you missed a recent review or just want to view a truncated version of the epic struggle between Manase Latu and Fred Solomon.
The site also claims to make it easier to audition for the show with forms where users can recommend restaurants and opt to become a "video reviewer." Ostensibly, this should make it easier to cull the chaff when looking for reviewers, given that the wait list to get on "Check, Please" rivals the wait we had to endure as kids to score tickets to "Bozo's Circus." In the coming months they'll also be launching a social networking component to the site, allowing users to create profiles and connect with other users with similar dining interests.