Rainy Days and Mondays Will Not Keep Us Down
By Margaret Lyons in Miscellaneous on Nov 19, 2007 9:21PM

It's all gray and misty out, and today's essentially just a waiting day until vacation time, plus people are on edge about traveling and family and blahblahblah, we know what we need to do. Brace yourself. Get ready. Gird your loins. Did you? Time for some things that are awesome!
This weird old TV from the 50s! It costs $500, which puts it out of our price range, but still, the TV itself is rad as all get out.
The Moline Fire Department got oxygen masks for animals because they rescue a lot of pets who need treatment for smoke inhalation.
Lake Forest's Marc Jacobson won $30,000 in a Rotary Club raffle and donated it all back to the service organization. It's more money than the Northbrook Rotary usually distributes in a year.
Logan Square native Marilu Henner is returning to television on Celebrity Apprentice. Actually...that's not that awesome. But if the writers' strike continues, this is what will be on instead of The Office.
Barack Steady (noise)
This bacon flow chart combines two of our favorite things: Bacon and dogs named Dante.
Speaking of our favorite things, this is a cat cuddling with a horse, while what sounds like an Ewok sings a charming Swedish (?) ditty. Are we dead? Cause this is what heaven looks like.
(Awesome) photo by Aubrey Skibitchface