Let It Snow
By Margaret Lyons in News on Dec 4, 2007 4:43PM

Get ready for more fluffy white stuff. Our area's under a snow advisory until tomorrow, with precipitation expected this afternoon. Brace yourself for between three and six inches of snow today and tonight, plus more tomorrow. And it's time to bust out your for-real winter coat — the temperature will drop to 13 degrees tomorrow night. (Tonight should be a cozy 24. Get your cocoa/hot toddy/fancypants tea stuff ready.)
Where's this weather system coming from? Why, our friends to the North, of course. It's an Alberta Clipper, which is a fast-moving low pressure system that runs across the Canadian border to bring us snow and lots o' wind. According to the National Weather Service, Alberta Clippers are also known as "Saskatchewan Screamer," which ... sounds so filthy.
We're still early enough in the season to be excited for snow and all its fun activities like building snowpeople, having snowball fights, and frantically photographing everything because it looks so picturesque. We know we'll be complaining about salt-encrusted shoes and bleak days in a few short weeks, but right now, we're actually a little jazzed.
Snowy trees by Joshua Mellin.