Extra, Extra
By Margaret Lyons on Dec 6, 2007 11:54PM

More snow is on the way tonight--maybe another four inches. Anybody got some good boot recommendations? Mama needs a new pair of shoes.
Speaking of shoe shopping, Anthropolgie? We vehemently disapprove of the term "shootie." Please join us in this protest. "Shooties" appears to be catching on, so the time to act is now. No to shooties! The term and the shoes, now that we think about it.
Loyola is buying Gottlieb Memorial Hospital in Melrose Park for $100 million.
There are so many things that bother us about the trial of an ex-cop accused of rape, and the phrases "sex friends" and "we started having foreplay" aren't doing anything to change our minds.
Busted. Authorities arrested 11 locals and 21 people total breaking up giant drug ring today. According to U.S. Attorney Patrick J. Fitzgerald, “We’re not going to stand up and say the war on drugs is over and we’re not going to say the war on ecstacy is over." Well...no kidding.
Shoe shopping by Joe M500