IIT: Get a "Better" Architect
By Olivia Leigh in Arts & Entertainment on Dec 6, 2007 8:40PM

If you need further evidence that cultural awareness is increasingly non-existent among the general populace, look no further than college blog Campus Squeeze. Following on the heels of its list of the 20 most beautiful college campuses, the site recently weighed in on what they deemed the 20 ugliest campuses in the country. While the prison-style buildings of Drexel University and the utilitarian blocks at Rochester Institute of Technology certainly didn't look appealing, we were screaming sacrilege upon hearing the site denounce the acclaimed designs of the Illinois Institute of Technology. The author recommended that the school get "better architects" (what, architectural geniuses, Mies van der Rohe, Rem Koolhaas and Helmut Jahn won't cut it?), and described the low-rise buildings as being "so nasty and dull that they feel like a blast from the past," and said some "serious renovation is in dire need at this school."
Let's hope they don't start renovating Rem Koolhaas's tunnel, by Photoshop Abuser