Extra, Extra
By Margaret Lyons in News on Dec 14, 2007 1:27AM

Our servers drank a big glass of bitch juice this morning, but things appear to be shaping up at this point.
New York Times blogger and CPS teacher Will Okun wrote today about taking his class to meet Chicago Defender photographer Worsom.
Bad news for Blago: His top political fund raiser was indicted today on federal tax fraud charges. he charges against Chris Kelley have nothing to do with politics or with the Blagojevich campaign but are still unsavory.
A bunch of former Cubs and White Sox were named in the Mitchell Report on steroids in baseball. Hey, did you guys know baseball players used performance-enhancing drugs? Turns out tons of them do! So many so that the report names "an All-Star at every position."
In other baseball disgrace news, the Chicago History Museum purchased documents from the Black Sox scandal for $100,000.
The Shedd taught its sea lions to paint. Psst. Christmas = right around the corner.
Nine elementary school students were pepper-sprayed today, thought it's still unclear exactly how it went down. Everyone is ok, though.
Mayor Daley's with us on the whole State-owning-Wrigley thing.
Perhaps unsurprisingly to anyone who's ever set foot in one, Cook County criminal courts are overwhelmed. And it's going to get worse.
Photo by skwp