Awesome Round-Up: Now Lacking a Theme
By Margaret Lyons in Miscellaneous on Dec 18, 2007 10:12PM
We're leading off today's awesome round-up by reminding everyone that, as Roosevelt "Rosey" Grier says, it's alright to cry. People seem very stressed out today — Holiday stuff? Lack of daylight? Weird diet? — but don't keep it bottled up. Let it out, and recover with some things that should cheer you up and quick:
Ah, real-time graphs, how we love you. Like this one, which displays the real-time gage height of the Chicago River at Columbus Drive. Why would you want to know that? Because it's Tuesday afternoon the week before Christmas. You're just marking time, too. Don't front. [Via spudart]
And if you like that, you might also like "Pythagorean Pick Up," and you'll also probably say "she never said it was a right triangle!" but like it anyway. At least we did.
Coudal Partners is donating $5 to the Greater Chicago Food Depository for every order placed between now and Christmas. We like the Anti-Landmark print from Chicago's own Dan MacAdam.
Some of these bizarre photos should be categorized "see you in my nightmares," but the zombie ones and the pickled cellphones? Those are awesome. Apparently it's some kind of "Russian online community[,] members of which enjoy making some staged photos with creepy plot." You're welcome!
Those are some magnificent fucking bear shirts. Especially the one that says "bear" with a picture of a bear in the letters.
Yoda pizza. Don't mind if ah do...