The Quilts, Larger Than The Sum of Their Parts
By Tankboy in Arts & Entertainment on Dec 27, 2007 5:15PM

Does anyone besides us remember Wolcott? That band had so much energy, combining Springsteenian grandeur with indie-rock passion. The only downside was that you HAD to see them live to get it. Their single album never did the group justice.
Well, a bunch of guys that used to be in Wolcott teamed up with some ex-40 Piece Choir folks, re-jiggered the set-up, and named themselves The Quilts. They play a unique blend of Americana crossed with arena rock, which makes total sense considering the roots of the group's various members.
The band has their entire debut EP available for download from their MySpace page, and we really recommend you hop over there and give it a listen. We particularly like the track "4th of July" which opens with a tranquil collage of variously treated guitar tones, slowly building into a roof shakin' roots roots rocker of stadium-sized proportions. This EP is making us pretty hungry for a full-length, but until then we suppose we're just going to have to catch their live show if we want to hear any more tracks.
The Quilts play a 21+ show at Double Door tonight at 9 p.m., and tickets are still available.