Primary Colors
By Olivia Leigh in Miscellaneous on Jan 3, 2008 5:00PM

If you're anything like Chicagoist, you're counting the days (only 382!) 'til Shrub is out and new leadership is in. And hey, America, let's not screw it up this time.
Although you may be chomping at the bit as Iowans get the chance to weigh in on the presidential candidates today, your chance is coming soon. Thanks to some clever maneuvering by Mike Madigan in 2007, Illinois primaries were moved up from March 15 to Feb. 5, largely in an effort to help out Barack's chances of winning the nomination.
If you're inclined to be an active citizen, you'll be able to cast a vote come Feb. 5, but only if you're registered by Jan. 8.. Come primary day, and you'll be able to select one party's ballot (Republican, Democrat, or, thanks to the magic of Rich Whitney, Green), and select your choices from said party. Chicagoist offices had a lively discussion this morning about the merits of open and closed primaries, discovering that some people have the curious strategy of selecting a ballot of the party they're against and voting for their underdog in an attempt to skew support. How many of you do this? Any other primary day voting strategies?
At any rate, regardless of whether you vote for our Hometown Hero or attempt to screw over the other team, at least put that right to vote to good use. If these nominations and the election are as important to you as they are to us, pop on over to Rock the Vote to register or peruse the much more tedious County Clerk site.
Image by Nshepard