For The Birds
By Margaret Lyons in News on Jan 18, 2008 7:36PM

A Lake Zurich man has started using pyrotechnics to rid his neighborhood of pesky Canada geese. Robert Warren recently got village approval for his new de-geeser; in previous years, he used his dog to shoo the birds.
Warren will now be allowed to fire a rocketlike device that emits a shrill whistle or booming sound in the geese's direction, reaching clusters of the birds that Warren's dog cannot. The sound and force of the so-called "bangers and screamers" should drive them away, allowing the lake to freeze completely in their absence and paring their numbers come spring. Nature also must cooperate.
Bird bangers appear to just be flares/little fireworks, but the screamer sirens produce a 100-decibel uh, siren as they fly. (100 decibels is about as loud as your "walkman" plays. Ah, walkmen.) Not sure which bird-deterring method is right for you? Perpahs the best chart ever can help. [Trib]