Obama Confirmed "Political Candidate" in Rezko Case
By Prescott Carlson in News on Jan 20, 2008 12:09AM

In a Sun-Times exclusive, the Bright One is citing sources that confirm that Barack Obama is the unnamed "political candidate" mentioned in the 78 page document detailing the fraud and corruption case against Tony Rezko. By now we're all aware of the questionable land deal between Obama and Rezko, as well as the $168,000 in campaign donations from Rezko over the years ($44,000 of which have been donated to charity), and their overall longtime friendship. But this latest revelation just gets a "meh" from us, despite the big story the Sun-Times is trying to make it out to be. Why the indifference? Because unlike "Public Official A", the tiny paragraph mentioning the "political candidate" doesn't indicate any wrongdoing. Although any instance of having Obama's name brought up in the same sentence as Rezko at this point can't be a positive for the campaign. In a written response to questions, the Obama camp continued to deny knowledge of any Rezko shenanigans.
One does have to wonder why the Sun-Times chose to break their "big exclusive" -- with a four reporter byline, no less -- on a Saturday... [S-T]
Even if you don't like Barry, you gotta admit that's a cool poster. Photo by Joshua Mellin