Extra, Extra
By Margaret Lyons in News on Jan 22, 2008 12:13AM

Today's must-read: The Reader's Whet Moser discovers the Chicago Tribune was not such a big Martin Luther King fan back in the day.
Chlorine fumes in an Elmhurst hotel's waterpark sent 20 people to the hospital this afternoon. [CBS 2]
Incoming CPD superintendent Jody Weis will, according to spokeswoman Monique Bond, be taking a "hard, close look at for further action" at the case of Officer William J. Cozzi. Cozzi was caught on tape beating a drunk, disorderly, wheelchair-bound man. [S-T]
Dusti, an 11-year-old male reticulated giraffe at the Brookfield Zoo, died yesterday morning. Of...a broken neck. No, seriously. [S-T]
Illinois's organ and tissue registry is the biggest in the nation. [ABC 7]