Extra Extra
By Chuck Sudo in News on Jan 29, 2008 1:58AM

- Even if he's truly reformed, hiring Wallace "Gator" Bradley as a paid consultant could backfire for Judge Michael Hyman, who's running for election.
- Aldermen, real estate, lobbyists : lather, rinse, repeat.
- It's not chocolate: a new drug that helps women quit smoking.
- Starting next fall, high school athletes will be subject to random testing for steroids.
- The new buzzword of the moment isn't "change."
- Jewel-Osco is moving their longtime Melrose Park headquarters to Itasca.
- Maybe if O'Hare can get some of their cancelled flights in the air, they could reclaim the mantle of world's busiest airport.
- Former NBC5 sports anchor Mike Adamle - who once was the play-by-play man for the original "American Gladiators" - is now a WWE announcer.