Extra Extra
By Chuck Sudo in News on Feb 2, 2008 2:05AM

- With Mega Tuesday looming, Oprah readies to hit the campaign trail again for Barack Obama, along with Caroline Kennedy.
- It looks as though Obama Girl's fifteen minutes of fame aren't up yet.
- Neil Steinberg and Eric Zorn give us a modern recasting of the Ballad of John Henry.
- A double dose of Drew: while attorney Joel Brodsky says recent photos acquired may show Stacy Peterson alive and well in Thailand, Drew fantasizes about foxy divorce attorney Corri Fetman.
- Mayor Daley's hiring chief quits.
- A man's body is found inside a trash can in Belmont Cragin
- AT&T raises basic DSL rates $5.
- The thought of Ann Coulter campaigning for Hillary Clinton makes us wish for Big Bad Bill to return.
- Take a sneak peek at the White Sox' unis for Independence Day.
- The Chicago Winter Dome Project (via).