Tinley Park Murderer Still At Large
By Margaret Lyons in News on Feb 6, 2008 6:48PM

The only survivor of the Tinley Park murders from this weekend released a statement yesterday as the investigation continues.
On Saturday, Feb. 2, an unspeakable tragedy occurred and five of the bravest women I have ever met were senselessly murdered and taken from their families.My deepest sympathies and condolences go out to their families and friends. Please know that as the unfathomable events of that day their thoughts were focused on you and coming home.
My heart aches that they were unable to do so.
Police are still looking for the gunman. The latest description says he has thick braids, one of which hangs by the right side of his face and has four light-green beads on it. They're asking local hairstylists for help tracking down the suspect, especially because no DNA was recovered at the scene. Police said today that one of the victims was fondled, but that was the extent of the sexual contact between the murderer and his victims. [S-T, Trib, Trib, Southtown Star]