Motors, Cycles
By Margaret Lyons in News on Feb 7, 2008 9:00PM

Mayor Daley introduced a new ordinance today that would fine motorists whose reckless behind-the-wheel antics endanger cyclists. Fines from $150-$500 could be levied against drivers who turn in front of someone on a bike, pass with less than three feet of space between car and bike, or door someone.
"When someone opens a door -- that's why you have to be very, very alert on a bike," Daley said."Yes, it's taken place. And [there were] a few choice words. Every biker does that -- salutes the driver in a Chicago way."
Well, we now know what the center square is for our Chicago bingo card: Get flipped off by Mayor Daley. Ah, dreams. [Trib, S-T]