Tap Water Tolls
By Chuck Sudo in Food on Mar 13, 2008 2:00PM
Next week is UNICEF World Water Week, and even though there may or may not be trace levels of sex hormones and pharmaceuticals in our drinking water, at least we don't run the risk of catching dysentery every time we turn on the faucet. The lack of clean and accessible drinking water is the second leading killer of children under five years of age.
The Tap Project is trying to raise awareness to this. Starting Sunday and running through March 22nd, over 200 local restaurants will invite customers to pay a minimum of $1 for tap water. The Tap Project says that $1 can keep a child in fresh drinking water for forty days.
If that isn't for you, maybe consider volunteering to help the Tap Project. They keep an updated list of restaurants that volunteers can lobby to participate in the project. Simply register at the Tap Project website and you're on your way.