Extra, Extra
By Margaret Lyons in News on Mar 21, 2008 11:55PM

Sure, flights at O'Hare get delayed all the time, and Midway can be kind of a pain, but Orlando International Airport was closed due to the stink of dead rats. It's an ongoing problem. [Trib. Please, someone's crappy metal band, name yourself "Rat Stench."]
Want to be a part-time bus driver? The CTA is hiring. [CTA]
Bail was set at $500,000 for the 73-year-old man who shot his 73-year-old wife of two months. [S-T]
You can't pay by touch at Jewel anymore. The company that made those biometric readers went bankrupt. [Trib]
Some of rapper and scam man Eric "Blaxican" Jaglicic's possessions were auctioned off today, netting about $21,000 that will go to reimburse the 14 people he conned out of $1.6 million. He told them they were investing in an Adam Sandler movie. The stuff went for cheap, like a hot tub with built-in TV, for which someone paid a mere $2,799. [Southtown Star]