Chicago Lawyer to Represent Detroit Mayor
By Margaret Lyons in News on Mar 24, 2008 10:08PM

Kilpatrick has hired former US Attorney Daniel Webb, who has some experience representing elected officials. He recently represented George Ryan (can't win 'em all), and has been ranked the "No. 1 white-collar criminal defense attorney" by Corporate Crime Reporter.
Webb has his work cut out for him. According to the New York Times, "[Webb] said that proving perjury would be difficult because many of the questions in the case were 'ambiguous' and many of the answers involved 'opinions.'" But the Detriot Free Press article that broke this story quotes from Kilpatrick's testimony in a whistle-blower case against the city of Detroit.
Stefani asked him: "Mayor Kilpatrick, during 2002 and 2003 were you romantically involved with Christine Beatty?"Kilpatrick's response: "No."
Psst. He's lying. He sent her text-messages saying "I'm madly in love with you," among more sordid things. [NYT, Detroit Free Press, Above the Law]