Johnny Depp Movie Needs Extras
By Margaret Lyons in Arts & Entertainment on Mar 25, 2008 6:58PM

Want to be in a Johnny Depp movie? Hells to the yes you do. The new Dillinger biopic he's in is looking for extras in Aurora on April 5 and 6.
In order to recreate the look and feel of the film, male extras need to be less than 6-foot-2 with a jacket size no larger than 44 and female extras must be shorter than 5-foot-8 with a dress size no larger than 10.
Fit the bill? Call Joan Philo Casting at (312) 924-1840.
The movie, Public Enemies, will be filming at the Paramount Theater, which is standing in for the Biograph. Sigh. The film has already shot a bunch of scenes in Wisconsin and Indiana and is shooting in Chicago on and off through May, according to the Chicago Film Office. [Beacon News]