Chasing the Clouds Away...With Things That Are Awesome
By Margaret Lyons in Miscellaneous on Apr 10, 2008 9:50PM

Awesome Holga photo by Little Pretty
Seems like everyone's got a case of the afternoon blahs. Let's hope these awesome items help:
- Today's most fabulous title: energy czar." We will be using this in conversation from now on. "Why don't you stop being lazy and get off the couch already?" "What are you, the energy czar? Quit busting my hump." Can't wait.
- 1980s poster design doesn't get enough love. What, we're too good for a ladle full of Chicago? We especially enjoy the reflected flag.
- Talk about a Chicago hot dog. Amazing.
- There's a Chicagoland Historical Bus Museum? Ahem, spring to-do list, meet your latest entry.
- And this was from yesterday, but we could not resist: