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CTA Still Reviewing Blue Line Mess

By Margaret Lyons in News on Apr 17, 2008 6:34PM

2008_4_17.el.jpgFallout from Tuesday's Blue Line fiasco continues as the CTA investigates what exactly went wrong. And the CTA employee who yelled at passengers and called them "stupid" is facing disciplinary action. (Boy are we glad we don't get in trouble for calling CTA passengers stupid. Because lord, we have seen some stupid shit on the CTA. Like the lady on the El with a mug of coffee—not a travel mug, just a regular mug with no lid or anything. WTF are you thinking, mug lady? And that's just the first story that came to mind!) Anyway,

"We're still doing a review of the situation and going over what worked and what didn't work," said CTA President Ron Huberman. "We're interviewing all of the folks that were on the ground there." He has acknowledged that the CTA didn't communicate properly with customers.

The bad news is that it took a major debacle for the CTA to decide to improve its customer communication. But if this is the end of "we will be standing momentarily while [garble, garble, what static sounds like when it fights itself]..." announcements, that's a really good thing. Right? [S-T, photo by Ankylosaur]