Pocket Shots + Prom Season = Nervous Parents, Media Frenzy
By Chuck Sudo in Food on May 6, 2008 4:35PM

Remember when prom night meant spiking the punch bowl, renting a hotel room on Lincoln and packing it with liquor, then drinking until sunrise and taking what was left to Great America? Good times.
There's this new thing out called Pocket Shots. As you can see from the photo above, it's a single serving of alcohol in a tiny flask-sized plastic pouch. The target audience is most likely folks who want to sneak their own liquor into places, avoiding the price markups of bars, nightclubs and sporting/concert events. Naturally this also makes it appealing to teenagers.
Just in time for prom season and road trips to Wisconsin (where Pocket Shots are available), CBS2 filed a report on the dangers of teenagers getting their hands on these. In true Seduction of the Innocent fashion, this will lead to public outcry, more media coverage and Father Pfleger donning his technicolor dreamcoats to march his St. Sabina's flock in the streets.
We've said it before, we'll say it again. They're teenagers. If they want to get their hands on some alcohol (Pocket Shots or a case of beer), they'll find a way. If it's that much of a concern, keep an eye on them and - for you less scrupulous sorts - don't buy them alcohol.