Black Kids Bigger Than the Buzz
By Tankboy in Arts & Entertainment on May 7, 2008 4:40PM

It's easy to get burned out on "blogger buzz" bands. For every Arcade Fire there are dozens of Clap Your Hands Say Blahs / Vampire Weekends. Every once in a while, the buzz factor gets it right though, and it's in this rare intersection of hype and talent that Black Kids is lucky enough to occupy.
The band writes poppy ditties that do a good job recalling the heyday of MTV's 120 Minutes while still giving the occasional nod to more modern day heroes like Pavement with their quirky melodies and sing-along vocals. Their exubernace is hard to deny, and it's their sheer will to emote clearly -- without the threat of ever being cloying -- that marks them as a talent to watch.
For once we've found an indie sensation that doesn't make us feel guilty or dirty for adding to the buzz.
Black Kids play two shows at The Abbey tonight, 3420 W Grace, 6:30 p.m. / 10 p.m., $18, all ages / 18+